Causes of Bulimia Nervosa

15/12/2010 17:16

Bulimia Nervosa, most commonly known as bulimia, is an eating disorder in which an individual engages in recurrent binge eating followed by feelings of depression, guilt, and self-condemnation. An individual who suffer from this type of eating disorder usually purge to compensate for the excessive eating and try to prevent weight gain. Purging can take the form of vomiting, inadequate use of laxatives, enemas or excessive physical exercise.

Causes of Bulimia Nervosa:

Psychological problems.

Biological (Genes, hormones, and chemicals)

Sociocultural factors.

Environmental factors.

Another group in 1999 found the same results as the previous group in that the number of women who were symptomatic for bulimia nervosa declined as the length of time post-treatment increases. Researchers strictly defined eating disorder outcome with both narrow and broad definitions. The narrow definition required a subject to be free of bulimic symptomotology for a period of six months, and in addition, for the subject not to use body weight and shape as a way of judging herself.


Because the consequences of bulimia are so severe, it is important to get medical treatment if you or someone you know has symptoms of bulimia nervosa. Both medical and psychological treatment is generally needed in order to resolve the condition.

Medical treatment will address the physical damage done by the bulimia. It will treat any heart conditions, chemical imbalances, or other conditions caused by the bulimia nervosa. A registered dietician will design a healthy eating plan. Education will be provided to the patient about their condition and the importance of eating properly.

To cope with the conflict they use inappropriate methods of weight control including vomiting, fasting, enemas, excessive use of laxatives and diuretics, or compulsive exercising. A period of binge-eating is produces strong feelings of guilt. For a person with bulimia the self-confidence is strongly depending of the shape and weight of the body.

Normally, bulimia starts at adolescence age and typically can be seen in women; it's never mean that men are untouched from this disorder. Men also suffer from this disorder but comparatively in lesser number. The intensity of this disorder obsesses the individuals to be compulsive for the food. Resultantly, individuals loose their control and start eating.

One of the best bulimia nervosa treatment is help groups. When you talk about your disease, you are going to be getting the best treatment you can ask for. This is because you are talking with others who have the same problem as you. This is comforting enough to get you on the right track in overcoming the disease. Whenever there are people around you that are going through what you are going through, you are going to have a shoulder to lean on.

Binging and purging must occur at least two times per week for a period of three consecutive months. The attitude of a bulimic in regards to weight and body image is very much the same as an anorexic with fear of gaining weight and constant self-evaluation of their body image.

The good news is, you don't need to live in the self-loathing, emotional prison of bulimia nervosa. You don't need to live a secret life of anxiety, binging and purging to achieve some irrational ideal of physical perfection. Instead, you can begin the recovery process by seeing a doctor and getting the symptoms under control with drug and counseling therapy.

There are many symptoms of bulimia nervosa. People with bulemia nervosa suffer from fatigue, headaches, massive weight loss and weight gain, as well as self hatred and depression. It if often hard to spot people with this disease, as many people with bulemia are high achievers and appear to be perfectly normal.

This disorder is usually can be found amongst those who are obese and those that are not. Those affected are obsessed with their weight so they tend to struggle with their inability to control their appetites or food cravings. It is not uncommon to find them eating excessively several times of the day. They cannot control their appetites or cravings for food, and therefore, the behavior.

Psychological causes are more common in causing these disorders. The person usually is seen to have a negative attitude toward his/her body image and perceives oneself to be fat. This negative attitude may have deep-seated reasons or may be influenced by family and friends. Physical and sexual abuse in childhood has been strongly associated with the development of an eating-disorder such as bulimia or anorexia.

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